hair care and health know how to stop hair fall in hindi

hair care and health know how to stop hair fall in hindi

Hair Care: Your hair not only tells about your beauty but also about your health. Nowadays, due to poor diet and lifestyle, hair is falling rapidly. Because of this the problem of baldness is increasing. Not only the hair, the level of the head i.e. the scalp also says a lot about health. In such a situation, some signs should be recognized and treated. This can avoid many problems. In such a situation, let us know some important things related to hair…

white and yellow dandruff

Dandruff is a common hair related problem. According to experts, dandruff is caused by growth of fungus in the scalp. Sometimes dandruff also occurs due to dry skin, obesity, stress, cold, dry weather and eczema or psoriasis. White dandruff is not harmful. To get rid of this, you can use daily anti-dandruff shampoo. Many times, smooth flakes of dandruff are seen on the head, which are yellow in colour. One should be careful when this happens, because these can be symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, which is related to hormones and fungus. Sometimes these also indicate neurological problems like Parkinson’s and HIV. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hair is not flying too much

Hair fall is such a common problem that every person is troubled by. According to experts, it is normal for 100 or more hairs to fall every day, but if more hair falls than this then it can be telogen effluvium. Growth of new hair and loss of old hair is a normal process, but in telogen effluvium, the number of hair producing follicles starts decreasing, due to which the process of new hair growth starts slowing down and hair starts thinning. There are some people in whom hair falls from some parts. Meaning their hair flies in patches. This happens in alopecia areata. This causes the immunity to mistakenly attack the hair follicles, causing the hair to grow in patches. Alopecia areata is not harmful or contagious but can be dangerous for the hairstyle.

How to prevent hair fall

1. Hair should be protected from sunlight, because excessive exposure to sunlight causes hair to get damaged and break easily. A cap or scarf should be used to protect hair from sunlight.

2. Diet affects hair. Along with iron and protein rich foods, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and vitamin A should be eaten. Cashews, walnuts, whole grains, spinach, carrots and green vegetables should be consumed.

3. Some women make tight braids or buns to keep their hair safe, but this poses a risk of traction alopecia. These damage the hair pores, which causes excessive hair breakage. Hair should be protected from excessive styling, heat and chemicals.

4. Sometimes hair falls due to side effects of medicines. Anti-clotting, cholesterol-lowering, antidepressant, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, birth control medicines and antibiotics should be taken only after consulting the doctor.

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